From 2005 to 2016, I was engulfed in the Southern sports culture. You learn very qucik about a unique system of 'a way of doing things.' "The Good Ole Boy System!" "I'll scratch your back because I know your dad or your dad's dad or maybe I just like you cause you're like me. Or maybe I don't like you because you're not from around here or maybe you aren't like me."
That was not how Jerry Richardson ran his business. As the only player/owner in the NFL, Jerry cared about his players as if they were his brothers and sons. The staff and city use to rave about his leadership and how much he cared. Yes, he tip-toed around the Greg Hardy sexual-assault case as long as he could. Yes, he told Cam Newton that he doesn't want him getting any tattoos. Yes, one of his players committed one of the most horrific crimes towards the mother of his child. However, none of that was his doing or anything he should resign over, until now.
What are they going to do with this statue?