Join 97-9 ESPN Hartford Thursday January 30th, as the Rob Dibble Show broadcasts LIVE from the CT Humane Society.
Every year, we bring out some of the CT Humane Society's finest to help us predict the winner of the Big Game!!! We take dog treats and put them in bowls that have logos of the Big Game teams. The team's bowl that gets picked by the pups the most will win the BIG GAME! The pups are never wrong. They are 3-0 in their predictions. Will they remain perfect? Once the picks are in, we put all the pups in the CT Humane football arena for a battle royale we call The Little Game! Join us LIVE from the CT Humane Society or be sure to catch the show LIVE on 97-9 ESPN Hartford or 1300 ESPN New Haven.
Here is what happened in the 2019 Little Game...